Since 1978, HBMS has welcomed thousands of members.
About Us
The Humboldt Bay Mycological Society is an organization of community members united by an interest in the funga of the Pacific Northwest of California. We are a nonprofit organization formed in 1978 and welcome all who share an interest in fungi.
HBMS acknowledges that we are located on Wigi (Humboldt Bay), the unceded lands of the Wiyot people. We encourage all to gain a deeper understanding of their history and thriving culture. HBMS is committed to paying yearly Honor Taxes to the Wiyot, Yurok, Karuk, Hupa, and Wailaki tribes.
Our principle aims are to add to the knowledge of members and the public at large. We seek to accomplish these goals by means of informative meetings to which the public is invited, field trips, workshops, and an annual Mushroom Fair.
An email newsletter with announcements, events, discount codes, early registration for workshops, and articles about fungi is sent to members in April & September - January.
Our members have many interests including identification of fungi, ecology, photography, cooking, dying textiles, and cultivation.